Montecristo No. 2
One of Montecristo's top selling vitolas and arguably the most well-known Cuban cigar on the market, the No. 2 has always been a fan favorite. It has an earthy, leathery flavor with whiffs of almond and spices.
The Montecristo No. 2 is a fantastic cigar that can be smoked as soon as you receive it or after some aging in a humidor.
Cohiba Siglo VI
A cigar that sets the bar for the Cuban cigar. The draw is tight enough to give it a good feel when smoked. The cigar provides so much flavor and complexity due to the triple fermentation of the filler tobacco.
The flavor profile is rich with nuances of coffee, earth and a creamy vanilla sweetness that has a truly satisfying aftertaste which lingers on the palate throughout the finish.
Romeo y Julieta Churchill
A flagship of Habanos, the silky smooth Churchill wrappers glistens with oils on a perfect feeling roll. It opens mildly with subtle creamy woods and cherry flavors with brown sugar and a faint leather note. Delicate exotic spices and baked breads develop throughout the smoke.
All the flavors and balance and richness in one cigar that could age beautifully for a decade.
Cohiba Robustos
Another of Cohibas most well-known cigars, the Robusto has an excellent draw, just the right amount of resistance without being too tight. Grassy, nutty, honey sweetness with hints of toasted bread develop during the smoke delivering a distinct transition in flavors that never bores.
The Robusto format delivers an amazing mix of ring gauge, mouth feel and smoking time guaranteed to keep you coming back again and again.
Partagas Serie D No. 4
The Partagas starts with heavy cedar on the opening with a perfectly balanced white pepper spiciness on the back end. Develops sweet spices, woods, cream and a floral note as the smoke progresses.
The No. 4 is well constructed and blended correctly from top quality tobacco so there is no finer cigar coming out of Cuba.
Bolivar Royal Corona
The Bolivar Royal Corona is perfectly rolled with only a slight resistance to the draw. Rich and beautifully balanced, opens on the lighter side with flavors of coffee and cocoa with a light peppery spice. The complexity is considerable but so beautifully balanced that it all melds together. The second and final third become full bodied with more chocolate and a darker coffee. It smokes right to the fingertips.
Incredible and balanced, the cigar ages well and a few a years in the humidor brings out extra subtleties.